Fly with our Pies

Office Bearers


The Tamworth Rugby Club Office Bearers have a responsibility to manage the Club on behalf of its members.

We are very fortunate to have a long line of remarkable bearers who "Fly with our Pies"

The Committee must:

  • Conduct long term planning so that the aims and objectives of the Club are fulfilled.

  • Develop policy and procedures.

  • Manage external relations and advocacy issues.

  • Obtain resources and ensure that all financial and legal matters are properly managed.

  • Carry out the recommendations of members.

  • Regularly communicate with, and provide information to members about the running of the organisation.

  • Ensure that all members of the Committee act as leadership role models.


Year President Secretary Treasurer
1954 E.R. Jeffries Doug Campbell F.Dane
1955 E.R. Jeffries Doug Campbell F.Dane
1956 Doug Campbell F.Dane R.Varley
1957 Dr B.T.Martin F.Dane R.Rabone
1958 G.Alex.Wiseman W.Smythe E.Carter
1959 G.Alex.Wiseman A. (Tony) Oliver E.Carter
1960 G.Alex.Wiseman Bruce Hyson J.French
1961 A. (Tony) Oliver A. (Tony) Oliver J.B.Knight
1962 C.G. Graham R.Bowen-Thomas J.B.Knight
1963 C.G. Graham G.Hilder J.B.Knight
1964 S.Blake Fred Benecke J.B.Knight
1965 S.Blake Fred Benecke J.B.Knight
1966 S.Blake Fred Benecke J.B.Knight
1967 Fred Benecke John Lyons Bruce Stewart
1968 P. Henry Brian J. Thompson A Ashford
1969 John M.Lyons Brian J. Thompson G Thomas
1970 John M.Lyons Brian J. Thompson A Ashford
1971 John M.Lyons Brian J. Thompson D Keech
1972 Brian J. Thompson R Campbell K Turner
1973 Brian J. Thompson D McGroder/R McGaffin K Turner
1974 Brian J. Thompson W.S. Dockrill R McGaffin
1975 Brian J. Thompson W.S. Dockrill N O’Reilly
1976 Ken Noble David Clifton S.Bates
1977 Ken Noble David Clifton Bill Mullens
1978 Bill Mullens John Treloar Bob Locke
1979 B Smith Stephen Hall Bob Locke
1980 David Clifton Stephen Hall D. Ashford
1981 David Clifton D. Ashford R.A(Alister).C.Fenwicke
1982 Tom Woolaston M.F.Hall R.A(Alister).C.Fenwicke
1983 Tom Woolaston R.Pearson A. Hardy
1984 Bruce Treloar Chris Zucker A. Hardy
1985 Bruce Treloar Chris Zucker Phil Bolton
1986 Barry Rumble Gordon Magann Phil Bolton
1987 Barry Rumble Gordon Magann David Cumming
1988 Barry Rumble Bob Messer David Cumming
1989 Ken Hunt Bob Messer David Cumming
1990 Ken Hunt Steve Moroney K Kellahan
1991 Ken Hunt Steve Moroney Bob Messer
1992 Wally Franklin Pat Lonergan Ken Pulley
1993 Wally Franklin Pat Lonergan Ken Pulley/Bob Locke
1994 Wally Franklin Pat Lonergan Bob Locke
1995 Wally Franklin Pat Lonergan Bob Locke
1996 Wally Franklin Pat Lonergan Jane Lonergan
1997 Steve Snell P Mounter Julian Smith
1998 Vince Symons B Donnelly Julian Smith
1999 Vince Symons Julian Smith Warren Cullen
2000 Vince Symons Julian Smith Warren Cullen
2001 Peter Burke Adrian Walsh Warren Cullen
2002 Peter Burke Adrian Walsh Jackie Oriel
2003 Peter Burke Adrian Walsh Peter Burke/Vince Symons
2004 Peter Burke Adrian Walsh David Rodgers
2005 Nathan Schofield Mandi Carey Sean Thompson
2006 Nathan Schofield Mandi Carey Sean Thompson
2007 Micheal (Dick) Leonard Mandi Carey K Laurie
2008 Micheal (Dick) Leonard Mitchel Hanlon Chad Secombe
2009 Campbell McIntosh Mitchel Hanlon John Eggins
2010 Campbell McIntosh Mitchel Hanlon John Eggins
2011 Campbell McIntosh Mitchel Hanlon/Mike Penman Sam Scott/Erin Scott
2012 Campbell McIntosh Mike Penman Sam Scott
2013 Sam Scott Clint Coles Sam Treloar
2014 Sam Scott Clint Coles Sam Treloar
2015 Sam Scott James Lockwood Simon Groth
2016 Sam Scott Damian Henry Simon Groth
2017 Sam Scott Damian Henry Simon Groth
2018 Mitchel Hanlon Kim Newling/Geoff Ellerton Michael O'Connor
2019 Mitchel Hanlon Geoff Ellerton Michael O'Connor
2020 Mitchel Hanlon Geoff Ellerton Michael O'Connor
2021 Mitchel Hanlon Geoff Ellerton Michael O'Connor
2022 Mitchel Hanlon/Chris Shaw Geoff Ellerton Ryan Hanrahan/Michael O'Connor
2023 Chris Shaw Geoff Ellerton

Patrick Carr

2024 Chris Shaw Geoff Ellerton Patrick Carr
2025 Chris Shaw Geoff Ellerton Patrick Carr